

Over its 20 years of existence, the Foundation has seen many successes which led in 2004 to obtain the status of non-governmental organization of public utility.

Since the beginning, the Foundation has addressed the main themes that represented Romania’s fundamental objectives in national security. We organized such debates, round tables, symposia, scientific sessions that seek to grasp, acknowledge and tackle the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of our country.

Furthermore, since the first year of activity, in 1994, there was an important meeting organized in Sinaia with the Atlantic Council, during which the Foundation members expressed their clear desire for Romania’s integration in NATO and the European Union. This was followed by many other actions, including round tables across Romania alongside with the National Defense College, through which Foundation members advocated the necessity of integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures within the local authorities. Thus, it became known that the National Defense College Foundation has made an important contribution to achieving the integration that occurred in 2004 when Romania became a NATO member and in 2007, when Romania became a member of the European Union.

In 2001, after 9/11, the Foundation was the first organization in Romania which, a week after the tragic events, organized a debate taking action against terrorist acts and drawing attention on the escalating level of terrorism. Members warned that it has moved to a new stage namely, passing from ​​tactical actions to a strategic level. The Foundation went on to address all facets that terrorism unfortunately has dressed, reaching informational aspects.

Another important theme in which the Foundation engaged was the Holocaust in Romania, a taboo subject for a long time in our country. The first major action that triggered then the entire process of recognition of the phenomenon in Romania was organized by the Foundation in 2002, in the presence of US and Israel ambassadors, representatives of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and many Romanian ministers, as well as representatives from the Jewish community. Following this action, it was decided to first introduce the study of the Holocaust at the National Defense College and then in other educational institutions.

Furthermore, the Foundation discussed the challenges and opportunities offered by NATO and EU membership, drawing attention both on the chances Romania has to become a modern country, as well as the need to promote our country’s national interests and to preserve national identity.

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